Do You Want to Navigate Separation Calmly?

Find out how to save your precious time, money, and sanity, before you hire a lawyer!

Divorce Coaching

Mediation is a way of resolving disputes without going to court. In Australia, the Family Court will not hear a matter unless the parties have first attempted mediation, with few exceptions.

Private mediation can:

  • be more flexible,

  • be faster,

  • provide more support to parties, and

  • provide a less stressful experience

than mediation through a government-funded Family Relationship Centre.

  • Save money on legal fees.

  • Save precious time.

  • Understand your options.

  • How to settle your property.

  • Options for parenting arrangements.

  • How to negotiate effectively.

  • Clear the fog.

  • Process emotions.

  • Improve self-esteem & confidence.

  • Respond constructively to conflict.

  • Deal with a high conflict ex.

  • Improve a co-parenting relationship.


Joint Amicable Separation Strategy $247 ($123.50 each)

Save hours of time researching on the internet or reading books.

Avoid the frustration of getting incorrect answers from Karen or Chad on FB.

Be prepared to use a lawyer’s time efficiently and save $$$.

Attend with your ex to ensure that you both hear the same thing.

  • Understand the ins-and-outs of amicable separation and divorce in Australia. Agree on action items and timeframes.

  • 90 minutes

  • Personalised strategy document

Should I stay or go? $150

  • Individual session

  • 45 minutes

  • Includes worksheets

  • What are the consequences of separation/divorce?

  • What are the options for addressing relationship issues?

Individual Separation Strategy $250

Save hours of time researching on the internet or reading books.

Be prepared to use legal advice efficiently and save $$$.

Avoid the frustration of getting incorrect answers from Karen or Chad on FB

  • 90 minutes

  • Personalised strategy summary

Individual Sessions $250

  • 90 minutes

  • Updated strategy as required

Subsequent Joint Sessions $147

  • 75 minutes

  • Updated strategy as required

Prepare for Mediation (Individual Only) $250

  • 90 minutes

  • Negotiation techniques and strategies

  • Mediation: what to expect, how to avoid conflict escalation

  • Understand and define your BATNA, WATNA

  • Define non-negotiable positions

  • What a win-win agreement might look like

  • Worksheets provided

Dealing with the other parent $250

  • Individual only

  • 90 minutes

  • Discuss co-parenting issues that present a problem for you.

  • Brainstorm solutions.

  • Consider inviting your ex to discuss the issue in a mediation session.

ESCAPE The Financial and Emotional Costs Associated with Separation

Follow my ESCAPE plan to avoid the emotional and financial costs of separation. Work with me to get your emotions back on track, develop the confidence and courage to negotiate with your ex-partner, and forge a new future for yourself and your children. Learn how to craft a settlement without going to mediation or court, or be prepared for either situation. Develop a strategy for negotiating with your ex-partner on parenting arrangements and property settlement. Learn about co-parenting and how you can work effectively with your ex to ensure your children are minimally impacted by the separation.

*These are estimates – your matter might cost more or less depending on your unique circumstances.

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