Thinking of Separating or

Struggling with Separation?

Rebuilding Seminars

If you're feeling hurt (sad, bad, upset, depressed, or any other negative feeling) post-separation and you want some help moving forward, this 10-week seminar might be for you.

If you've separated from your intimate partner you might be feeling bad. Some of the emotions typically felt by people like you can include: hurt, bad, sad, angry, scared, overwhelmed, confused, bitter, depressed, or insecure. You may feel stuck and unsure how to move forward in your life.

Feel better faster when you participate in a Rebuilders Seminar. Whether you've been separated less than a day or for years, this 10-week science-backed program will help you rebuild yourself, stop ruminating on the past (What happened and why? What was my role? What was my partner's role? What could I have done differently?), express difficult emotions like grief and anger, find yourself, and learn how to have healthy, deep and meaningful relationships so you are less likely to repeat the past.

Mediation & Family Dispute Resolution

Mediation is a process that helps two people resolve their disputes. It is facilitated by an independent, impartial and nonjudgmental third party.

  • Online mediation is as effective as face-to-face, is more flexible and generally less costly.

  • Joint mediation, where parties can discuss issues directly, can take place face-to-face, via video conference, or by telephone.

  • Shuttle mediation involves the mediator passing information between two parties who do not see or speak with each other. This can be done via email, phone or videoconference.


Counselling is aimed at helping you solve problems. Coaching is aimed at achieving your goals. Individual or joint sessions are available.

  • Make the decision to end or stay in your relationship.

  • Move through the divorce grief cycle and setting a positive direction for the future.

  • Build an effective co-parenting relationship with your ex.

  • Resolve co-parenting issues.

  • Learn negotiation techniques and strategies.

  • Build a separation strategy and timeframe.

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